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Wednesday 28 September 2016


Dimulakan dgn bismillah.....gitu deeehh
I'm not blogger, I'm not writer..juz to share with people who really needed, what i think, what i feel and seangkatan dgn nya,

Tak Pandai buat bloggg
Yes i am. mohon kpd yg lebih arif bly jadi ckgu saye ye...heee..boleh tgok 2 artikel sy diatas tu..tahun pon 2012..xdak matlamat lagi time tu nk tulis ape..ape yg dirasa. Citarasa pon mcm budak2.
Now, i am adult..i hope with my post it will give benefit to those who needed.

Beauty consultant
Actly mmg sejak dulu lagi minat nk jd beauty consultant eventhough tau muka aii xley jd beauty consultant uolls...so myb dgn through blog aii can share la the product that goods or not...this all was from my experienced la...its up to u nak caye or tak kan...ok...nnti tggu post kte seterusnya yaa.